Rural and Evangelical


I got the county level voting datafile from here

I got the 2010 religious census data from here

vote <- read.csv("D:/2016_election/pres16results.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
vote$fips <- gsub("(?<![0-9])0+", "", vote$fips, perl = TRUE)
census <- read.dta("D:/2016_election/relcensus.dta", convert.factors = FALSE)
merge <- merge(census, vote, by=c("fips"))
suburbs <- read.csv("D:/2016_election/suburb.csv")
merge <- merge(merge, suburbs, by=c("fips"))
pres <- filter(merge, cand_name == "Donald Trump" | cand_name == "Hillary Clinton")
trump <- filter(merge, cand_name == "Donald Trump")
clinton <- filter(merge, cand_name == "Hillary Clinton")
trump$diff <- trump$pct - clinton$pct

Rural Counties

There is no set definition of what rural means, so here’s what I did:

df <- select(trump, cntyname, stabbr, fips, votes, total, pct, POP2010, evanrate, code)
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##      82   11310   26080   99010   67080 9819000

I am going to use the counties whose 2010 total population was below the mean of 26,080. Let’s see how Trump did in those counties.

rural <- filter(df, POP2010 <=26080)
rural$region <- rural$fips
rural$value <- rural$pct
palette_rev <- rev(brewer.pal(8, "RdBu"))
choro = CountyChoropleth$new(rural)
choro$title = "                         How Did Trump Do in Rural Counties?                                "
choro$ggplot_polygon = geom_polygon(aes(fill = value), color = NA)
choro$ggplot_scale = scale_fill_gradientn(name = "Trump Share", colours = palette_rev)


Counties with Above Average Evangelicals

Let’s do the same with evangelicals.

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
##     0.0   107.7   190.5   233.8   334.1  1309.0      18

The median here is 190.5 evangelicals per 1000. So any county that’s 19.1% evangelical is in this subset.

high_evan <- filter(df, evanrate >= 190.5)
high_evan$region <- high_evan$fips
high_evan$value <- high_evan$pct
palette_rev <- rev(brewer.pal(8, "RdBu"))
choro = CountyChoropleth$new(high_evan)
choro$title = "                                   Counties with Above Average Evangelicals"
choro$ggplot_polygon = geom_polygon(aes(fill = value), color = NA)
choro$ggplot_scale = scale_fill_gradientn(name = "Trump Share", colours = palette_rev)


Let’s Combine Rural and High Evangelical

rural_evan <- filter(df, POP2010 <=26080 & evanrate >= 190.5)
rural_evan$region <- rural_evan$fips
rural_evan$value <- rural_evan$pct
palette_rev <- rev(brewer.pal(8, "RdBu"))
choro = CountyChoropleth$new(rural_evan)
choro$title = "                                   Rural Counties with Above Average Evangelicals"
choro$ggplot_polygon = geom_polygon(aes(fill = value), color = NA)
choro$ggplot_scale = scale_fill_gradientn(name = "Trump Share", colours = palette_rev)


A Searchable Table

table <- select(rural_evan, cntyname, stabbr, pct, POP2010, evanrate)
table$pct <- round(table$pct, 2)
table$evanrate <- round(table$evanrate, 2)
datatable(table, colnames =  c("County", "State", "Trump's Percentage", "2010 Population", "Total Evangelicals per 1000"))
## Error in loadNamespace(name): there is no package called 'webshot'

So, how many rural, highly evangelical counties voted for Hillary Clinton?

## [1] 852  11
hrc <- filter(rural_evan, pct <=.5)
## [1] 63 11

There were 852 counties in the total dataset and just 63 had a majority of the votes for Clinton. Trump carried 92.6% of those counties.

Suburban, Urban, Rural Data

The CDC provides a classification scheme for urban, suburban, rural. It’s actually six categories:

    1. Large central metro
    1. Large fringe metro
    1. Medium metro
    1. Small metro
    1. Micropolitan
    1. Non-core

Here’s how it breaks down in a map.

df$region <- df$fips
df$value <- df$code
palette_rev <- rev(brewer.pal(8, "RdBu"))
choro = CountyChoropleth$new(df)
choro$title = "                         Urban-Rural Classification Scheme for Counties                                "
choro$ggplot_polygon = geom_polygon(aes(fill = value), color = NA)
choro$ggplot_scale = scale_fill_gradientn(name = "Rural - Urban", colours = brewer.pal(6, "Spectral"))


How are evangelicals distributed through these six regions?

a1 <- df %>% group_by(code) %>% summarise(avg_evan = median(evanrate, na.rm = TRUE), trump_vote = median(pct, na.rm = TRUE), total_pop = sum(POP2010, na.rm = TRUE))

a1$code[a1$code==1]<-"Large Central Metro"
a1$code[a1$code==2]<-"Large Fringe Metro"
a1$code[a1$code==3]<-"Medium Metro"
a1$code[a1$code==4]<-"Small Metro"
a1$code <- factor(a1$code, levels=unique(a1$code))
ggplot(a1, aes(x=code, y=avg_evan, fill= code)) + geom_col() + xlab("Urban Rural Classification Scheme") + ylab("Number of Evangelicals (per Thousand)") + theme(legend.position="none")


There are definitely more evangelicals in rural areas than in more densely populated areas (by percentage). Large central metros are 10.7% evangelical, and non-core areas are 21.7% evangelical.

ggplot(a1, aes(x=code, y=total_pop/1000000, fill= code)) + geom_col() + xlab("Urban Rural Classification Scheme") + ylab("Total Population (in Millions)") + theme(legend.position="none")


The issue here is that there A LOT more people that live in the metro areas than in the other areas.

a1$evan_percent <- a1$avg_evan/1000
a1$total_evan <- a1$total_pop * a1$evan_percent
a1$percent_total <- a1$total_evan/sum(a1$total_evan)
ggplot(a1, aes(x=code, y=total_evan/1000000, fill= code)) + geom_col() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) + theme(legend.position="none") + xlab("Urban Rural Classification Scheme") + ylab("Total Number of Evangelicals (in millions)")


Here’s the upshot of the whole thing. While rural areas are twice as evangelical as the largest metropolitan area, just 8.5% of all evangelicals in the United States live in the “non-core” counties. Even if you add “micropolitan” to “non-core” there are still more evangelicals living in big cities.

Another Table

table2 <- select(a1, code, trump_vote, total_pop, evan_percent, total_evan, percent_total)
table2$percent_total <- round(table2$percent_total, 2)
table2 <- data.frame(table2)
table2 <- table2 %>% rename("Classification" = code, "Trump Vote" = trump_vote, "Total Population" = total_pop, "Percent Evangelical" = evan_percent, "Total Evangelicals" = total_evan, "Percentage of All Evangelicals in Each Classification" = percent_total)
Classification Trump Vote Total Population Percent Evangelical Total Evangelicals Percentage of All Evangelicals in Each Classification
Large Central Metro 0.3375237 93505527 0.1073894 10041507 0.21
Large Fringe Metro 0.6030650 76007372 0.1665800 12661308 0.26
Medium Metro 0.5946537 63982250 0.1833244 11729510 0.24
Small Metro 0.6296317 28472269 0.1689100 4809251 0.10
Micropolitan 0.6606895 27109461 0.1875444 5084229 0.10
Non-core 0.7216858 18938530 0.2174544 4118268 0.09

How Did Trump’s Margins Compare to Romney’s in 2012?

a1<- merge %>% filter(evanrate >250) %>% summarise(mean_trump = mean(trumppct), mean_romney = mean(romneypct))
a2<- merge %>% filter(evanrate >500) %>% summarise(mean_trump = mean(trumppct), mean_romney = mean(romneypct))
a3<- merge %>% filter(evanrate >250 & POP2010 <25000) %>% summarise(mean_trump = mean(trumppct), mean_romney = mean(romneypct))
a4<- merge %>% filter(evanrate >500 & POP2010 <25000) %>% summarise(mean_trump = mean(trumppct), mean_romney = mean(romneypct))
a5 <- rbind(a1, a2, a3, a4)
a5$trump_advantage <- a5$mean_trump - a5$mean_romney
a5$description <- c("25%+ Evangelical", "50%+ Evangelical", "25%+ Evangelical and Population < 25000", "50%+ Evangelical and Population < 25000")
table3 <- a5 %>% rename("Trump Vote Share" = mean_trump, "Romney Vote Share" = mean_romney, "Trump's Margin over Romney" = trump_advantage, "Description" = description)
Trump Vote Share Romney Vote Share Trump’s Margin over Romney Description
70.45250 66.40706 4.045439 25%+ Evangelical
75.76940 71.30000 4.469397 50%+ Evangelical
72.86672 67.89076 4.975959 25%+ Evangelical and Population < 25000
76.76108 71.93681 4.824279 50%+ Evangelical and Population < 25000